Dear Valued Clients, We would like to start by thanking you for your ongoing support and loyalty during these unprecedented times. We greatly value all your emails, texts and comments on our social channels along the way. Moving forward it is our priority to safeguard our client and team health so it is paramount for us to follow government guidelines and recommendations when and where possible and this will remain key to our re-opening on the 4th July 2020. You will be contacted soon in response to your booking requests with plenty of notice about your appointments.

Special Request – Shared Duty of Care
To protect everyone within the salon we are asking all staff and clients to please stay at home if you are showing any signs of being unwell. Including high temperature, everyday coughs or colds. We would rather cancel an appointment than take the risk of spreading the virus.
Opening Hours
Some of the team will work longer days and we are adding Sundays and Mondays to our working week during our initial opening period.
Making Appointments
Due to expected high demand for appointments, reduced staffing levels and extended booking times due to social distancing restrictions within the salon will be in operation. Therefore, we will contact you by text email or call you regarding your appointment.
Hair Services
Due to potential social distancing restrictions, shift patterns and staff rotas, it may not always be possible to see your colourist and stylist on the same day. When and where possible we will always endeavour to meet your requests, but you may have to consider seeing an alternative stylist or come back in on another date.
We will not be able to perform some services during the initial re-opening period, including fringe trims or dry haircuts.
Standard booking appointments for colour will take priority over colour corrections that are required due to home colouring as correctional services can take considerably longer than our standard bookings.
We will need those of you who have coloured your hair yourself to have a skin test before your next colour appointment thank you.
Beauty Services
We are awaiting further guidelines regarding our beauty services.
Payment for Services We will not be accepting cash payments, only contactless/visa on the day of service. We have thoroughly reviewed our operational systems to ensure we are as safe and hygienic as possible during the client journey. This will ensure we are as compliant as possible with social distancing. We have taken particular care to review our housekeeping and cleaning procedures, including sanitising all the equipment we use. Our staff have undertaken specialist training regarding sterilisation. PPE will be replaced after every client. We are asking all clients to adhere to/note the following regarding their future visits:
• As we will be restricted on waiting space, we request that you do not bring anybody with you on the time of your visit. • Please arrive on schedule for your appointment to minimise waiting time and unnecessary interaction. • Please arrive with clean, freshly washed hair so that we may wet it down only for hair services and minimise time at the backwash area (haircuts only and in preparation for colour service). • Please minimise any coats or bags in the salon and keep them on their person. • Magazines and newspapers will not be available and refreshments will be in disposable cups only. • Our team will be wearing the required PPE during your visit. We would appreciate our clients to wear a disposable mask. We will also have some available. Should we face any changes along the way we will contact you accordingly. Please keep safe and healthy and know we will be there to greet you very soon. Yours sincerely, Team Debonhair